Mt. Holly Baptist Church


March 2025


Spring is in the air! Or at least we hope so. If you live anywhere near Remington Virginia, then you know that this winter we have received more than our fair share of snow and for many of us we can’t wait to see those first Spring flowers. March then is the month for that change.

When we think about change, change is inevitable, meaning that nothing stays the same no matter how hard we try to keep it that way. We grow older whether we want to or not. Each night we go to bed only to wake up to not just another day, but a brand-new day. Our children grow up before our eyes changing more every day from young children to young adults. Then the seasons, the change of the seasons are enough to remind us that just like life, nothing stays the same for long.

Just as it is true that change is inevitable for us there is one thing, one person who does not change and that is God. James 1:17 says this,

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

There are several truths we can gain from this verse. First, God is the same yesterday, today, and forever so His character traits of being all knowing, ever present, and all powerful never go away. Second, you can trust in the promises of God. If God made a promise in the past, you can trust that He will keep those promises for to not keep them implies that God changes and we already know that he doesn’t. Finally, God’s love is never ending. If God loved the world enough to send His only Son Jesus to die for us to create a way of salvation through the gospel, then you can trust that a love that powerful doesn’t change. Why? Because God doesn’t. In a world full of change lets be thankful that God doesn’t and neither does His love for you!